The Society of Critical Care Anesthesiologists (SOCCA) is the sole organization dedicated to the continuation of the role of anesthesiologists in providing critical care services. You do not have to be an intensivist to benefit from membership in this organization. Critical care practices are utilized in the post anesthesia care unit, intermediate care unit, emergency department/trauma center as well as the intensive care unit. Practitioners with clinical caseloads that are dominated by cardiac, neurosurgical, and transplant procedures may be frequently involved in the daily perioperative care of critically ill patients. Patients in all of these care areas may require aggressive monitoring and state of the art perioperative care. The continued enhancement of critical care services throughout the perioperative period is a founding goal of SOCCA.
- SOCCA is an educational organization that fosters the role of anesthesiologists as perioperative specialists and provides for continuing education and interchange of ideas
- The Society provides representation for the practice of critical care medicine in the ASA House of Delegates
- SOCCA provides input to the ASA and Society of Critical Care Medicine on key issues related to their advocacy for patient care and reimbursement
Benefits of Membership
- Discounted pricing for the SOCCA Annual Meeting a forum for the specialist with broad-based interests, including respiratory therapy, postoperative cardiac surgical, neurological and transplant management, and trauma care
- Discounted membership in the IARS, which includes a subscription to Anesthesia & Analgesia, SOCCA’s official journal, A&A Practice e-journal, free journal CME, access to a member community and discounted registration to the IARS Annual Meeting. Click here to view a list of membership options.
- Free ICU Resident’s Guide
- Free quarterly newsletter Interchange, which covers ethically controversial issues, survey of practice patterns, and historical aspects of anesthesiology
SOCCA has partnered with the International Anesthesia Research Society (IARS) and DocMatter to create a member community for high-quality, clinical discussions, especially to help in sharing your COVID-19 experience, ideas, and questions. DocMatter is a networking platform tailored to the specific needs and requirements of the medical community.
- Gain access to full information from the frontlines
- Collaborate and strategize on how best to prepare and meet the demands of this global health crisis
- Plus, participate in a broader 30,000 member Global COVID-19 Community, should you wish to do so, and connect with members of other anesthesiology groups from 8,000 institutions across the country and the world.
Membership Levels
Active Member $200.00 / year Active members shall be anesthesiologist physicians and have an interest in critical care medicine. Each Active member shall have one vote on any matter on which Active members are entitled to vote by law or that is submitted to a vote of the membership, and shall enjoy all rights and privileges of membership.
Affiliate Member $150.00 / year Affiliate members shall be physicians or scientists who are active in clinical care, training programs or research relating to critical care medicine, but who do not fulfill the definition of Active member. Affiliate members may attend the Annual Educational Meeting and shall have all rights and privileges of Active members, except that they may not vote or serve as an officer or a director of the Corporation. Affiliate members may serve on committees if requested by the Board of Directors.
Educational Members Complimentary Membership Educational members shall be residents or fellows. Educational members may attend the Annual Educational Meeting and shall have all rights and privileges of Active members, except that they may not vote or serve as an officer or a director of the Corporation. Educational members may serve on committees if requested by the Board of Directors.
Medical Student Members Complimentary Membership Medical Student members shall be individuals in full-time training in an accredited school of medicine in the United States or abroad. Medical Student members may attend the Annual Educational Meeting and shall have all rights and privileges of Active members, except that they may not vote or serve as an officer or a director of the Corporation. Medical Student members may serve on committees if requested by the Board of Directors.
Retired Members Complimentary Membership Retired members shall be individuals who have been Active members of the Society for 10 or more years and have completely retired from professional practice. Retired members may attend the Annual Educational Meeting and shall have all rights and privileges of Active members, except that they may not vote or serve as an officer or a director of the Corporation. Retired members may serve on committees if requested by the Board of Directors.
Affiliate, Educational, Medical Students and Retired members shall have all rights and privileges of Active members, except that they may not vote, attend corporate business meetings (including, without limitation, the Annual Business Meeting) except by invitation, or serve as an officer or a director of the Corporation. Such members may serve on committees if requested by the Board of Directors.
Membership Process
SOCCA membership does not require formal sponsorship and can be applied for online.