President’s Cornerby Michael H. Wall, MD, FCCM
Colleagues, next year's annual meeting will be in Denver, Colorado, on April 14, 2023. We have received many excellent submissions for next year's annual meeting, and now the education committee has the difficult task of putting together the program. Some panels not selected for the annual meeting will be shifted to SOCCA webinars in 2023. More to follow. SOCCA has many events and opportunities coming up in the next few months. To help keep track of these and get better organized we have added a calendar tab to the SOCCA website. You can access it by clicking on the "news" tab and then clicking on the calendar in the drop-down menu. August and September have been very busy months! Eventually, this calendar will be populated with dates and links for committee meetings, task force meetings, and more. SOCCA will host a Critical Care Anesthesia Meet-up at the ASA Meeting this year. The Meet-up lounges will be set up as casual, comfortable networking areas. Ours will be on Sunday, October 23, from 4:00-4:45 pm (CST) in Connection Lounge 2. Please stop by and say hello to your colleagues and friends. Some committees and workgroups may be having informal get-togethers during the ABA meeting, and dates and times will be placed in the new SOCCA calendar. SOCCA will also be holding a call for volunteers this fall. We have many new workgroups and taskforces open for members to engage with in their areas of interest. These include the Early Career Workgroup; the Medical Student, Resident, and Fellows Workgroup; the Physicians and Practice Workgroup; the Women in Critical Care Workgroup; the Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Workgroup; and the Service Chiefs Advisory Council. If you are interested in joining any of these workgroups, please attend their open meetings and webinars. Check the calendar for dates and times. This a great way to get involved in SOCCA! If you have any other ideas or suggestions on improving the value of SOCCA to our current and future members, please do not hesitate to let me, the Board of Directors, or the Committee Chairs know. I hope you all have a safe, healthy, and happy season, and I look forward to seeing you on a Zoom call or in person soon. Author |