2022 SOCCA Webinar CME

Two Ways to Earn Webinar CME

  1. SOCCA Members who attend a webinar can claim Live Activity CME for their participation. This CME is available for up to 60 days after the live event.
  2. SOCCA Members who do not participate in the live webinar can earn Enduring Material CME.

Note: you cannot claim credit for both the Live Activity and the Enduring Material CME.

CME credit may be claimed via the OpenAnesthesia360 Continuing Medical Education (OA360-CME) platform. If you have not previously created an OA360-CME account, you will need to do so.
Please select and review the appropriate First Time User (FTU) guide provided below for instructions.

Available Webinar CME

Peripartum Cardiomyopathy: Management in the Critical Care and Peri-operative setting
November 17, 2022 | 6:00 pm ET

Fearful Infections in the Postoperative Cardiothoracic Patient
December 15, 2022 | 6:00 pm ET